We believe that the divine commission requires that we preach the gospel in all the world, and that we baptize those who believe, and establish New Testament Churches constituted only of born again persons, and teach them to be obedient to all the counsel of God. We believe that this can be accomplished only under the enablement of the Holy Spirit. Mk. 16: 15-26; Matt. 28: 18-20; Acts 2:41; Acts 8: 36-37; 1 Corth. 1: 17; 1 Corth. 4: 15; John. 14: 26; John 15: 26-27; John 16: 7, 13, 14
Our Missionaries
The Nelson's------------- INDONESIA
The Bowers'--------- BAHAMAS
Jeanette Joyner----- UGANDA
The Berasngars'--------- CHAD
The Siddall's-------- CANADA
The Zimmerman's--- USA
The Houtz's--------- ALASKA
Poller's---------------- ISRAEL
Esther Spilger-------- USA